Thursday, October 15, 2009

Random Story # 1

There once was a balloon that decided to do its thing and float like always and while having its adventure in the sky it encountered this airplane which, due to the speed of the plane and it's wing, popped the balloon and then the balloon went spiraling down towards the earth and hit this person in the face while he was eating a sandwich. ... Read MoreBewildered by this sudden surprise he dropped the sandwich and quickly took the balloon and then looked toward the sky wondering how it reached him. After a minute or so of thinking he gave up his search and proceeded to look at the balloon. It was a red/gold balloon which had the words "Happy things come from unusual places." Wondering what these words meant he looked inside the balloon and found a twenty dollar bill inside. He pocketed the money and the balloon. After this, the boy went to the movies to see the movie he had been wanting to see but was unable to afford, until now that is. Pleasant with his unexpected circumstances the boy then went on to watch the movie and once it started the movie had abruptly stopped. Then he was disappointed when he had to leave since the movie was "Out of order" for the moment. However, he received a free movie ticket and was refunded his money after leaving. After this the boy decided to head towards the city where he had never really been before, for you see he lived in the outskirts of the city where things were not as great for him. Taking the train to the city he saw this girl who caught his eye and he proceeded to sit nearby her. As the train neared the city, the train broke down, and the boy thought his 20 dollar bill was the only thing going good for him. Having only eaten part of his sandwich the boy was hungry since it would have been his only meal for most of the day. After his stomach grumbled the girl nearby him heard this and she asked "Are you hungry? I have food and I don't think I can finish this by myself." The boy smiled and politely accepted this offer. After speaking with the girl it became apparent that she was from the city and she even offered to show him around once the train started working again. He asked if the train usually breaks down to which she said "No" and the boy then frowned, and smiled once again realizing that if the train never broke down, he would have never met this girl. After thinking this the train started up once again and they were in the city within 10 minutes. After exiting the train the boy looked around his surroundings, taking in everything and loving the beauty of city life. The girl asked him where he would like to visit, thus breaking the spell the city had set upon him. He then proceeded to simply tell the girl to lead and this is when another unfortunate incident took place. New to the city scene, the boy lost the girl during the havoc of all the people walking around and he stopped in front of a unusual looking store. The old store mesmerized him and he proceeded to go inside. Once inside a peculiar stench made him queasy and he began coughing and this is when a employee asked the boy if he needed anything. The boy looked up at the employee and was met with the most beautiful person he has ever seen. However, he felt that he had met this person once before. "Where have I seen you?" the boy thought out loud, and when realizing the words he had said, his face flushed with a vivid scarlet color. The woman smiled and grabbed the boy by the hand and took him into the back room. Surprised by this he realized there was a something more to the store and he was led past odd cages and animals, he was led past rooms and a door leading the outside, he saw the girl he had met on the train and yelled out to her and then out of her sight he went as he was led further to the unknown. For a long time they walked and he seemed to be leaving the city. He asked the woman where she was taking him but she did not answer. Then they came to a sudden halt. In front of him was a magnificent mansion with beautiful gates and he was lost in the beauty of it for a moment. The gates opened and he was led inside and once inside the mansion he was awed by its wonders. Below the glass floor was what seemed to be the ocean and a marble staircase with beautiful marble walls decorated the inside. He was led inside a room and then the woman spoke. "You are Hideki are you not?" she said with tears filling up her eyes. Astonished by this the boy asked "How do you know my name?" For as long he could remember he had been living in the outskirts since he was a poverty stricken boy with no family. The woman hugged him and proceeded to tell him who she was. "I am your mother." Shocked by this the boy was unable to say anything when the door burst open, and the girl he had met on the train entered. "So it was you Hideki!" yelled out and proceeded to hug him. Shocked by this the boy then looked around the room and saw a picture of a young boy, next to a young girl, with the beautiful lady all with happy looks on their faces. The boy then realized what had just happened. He had been reunited with his family. Then the boy felt inside his pockets and took out the balloon. "Happy things come from unusual places."

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